Friday, June 10, 2005

Up in Smoke

pics 088
I quit smoking yesterday and I've got just one thing to say: How do people live like this? I can't stand still - my hands, my teeth, my tongue, my jaw, my chin, my fingers, my toes won't stop fidgeting. I can't stop eating - without a cigarette, I simply don't know when I'm full. This was a family affair. My dad's going crazy - he woke me up in song this morning. My boyfriend looks like he's actually dying - he can't stand without holding himself up. My brother's snapping at everyone. And me - I'm just bored. I'm chewing on a pen as we speak. But at least we're not alone. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that just 17 per cent of Canadians smoke daily, down from 33 per cent in the 80s. And Canada ranks low in terms of tobacco consumption, 14th of 19 countries, according to the study. A subject worth looking into: Why does everything so good have to be so bad?


Blogger James Mirtle said...

Congrats Samuel L. Now convince my girl to take up a similar quest.

1:27 a.m.  
Blogger sam-i-am said...

at least it hasnt stunted her growth:)

3:24 p.m.  

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